Editorial Résumé
Career Summary
- Technical Writer: Procedural manuals, software documentation.
- Editor / Proofreader: White papers, educational manuscripts, books, journal articles,
fiction and non-fiction narratives. - Marketing Copy Writer / Web Content Manager: Nonprofits and B2B organizations.
- Newsletter Editor: 501(c)(3) Nonprofits, church organizations, and schools.
- Creator / Distributor: Nonprofit bulk mail marketing collateral.
- Creative Writer: Blogging, reviews, poetry, and speculative fiction.
Reviews / Articles / Newsletters / Other Publications
- Reviewer: 46 theatrical reviews for ShowBizRadio.net (2009–2013).
See: http://washingtondc.showbizradio.com/author/betsym/. - Article: Commedia dell’Arte Masks on the Cheap; The Virtual Costumer (online); Volume 4, Issue 3 (June 2006). See: www.siwcostumers.org/newsletterarchive/VirtCostV4-I3-2006.pdf.
- Newsletter (Founding Editor / Author–Multiple articles): Founded The ICG Newsletter (retitled The International Costumer). Produced and distributed the first eleven issues; wrote content, designed layout, managed reproduction and distribution to 450-800 International Costumer’s Guild (ICG) members. Applied for and maintained U.S. Postal Service nonprofit mailing status and mailing permit. Back issues available as PDFs on the ICG website. See: www.costume.org/newsletters/newsletter.html#backissues. (2002–2005)
- Member: ICG Editorial Board (2002–Date).
- Article: El Museo, (as Betsy Marks), Estudiar y Luchar Hermanos Latinos, New Paltz, NY (May 1985).
- Multiple articles: CostumApa, (as Betsy R. Marks) under the subhead Lilyguildings & Small Talk (1986–1995).
Social Media
- Facebook Group Administrator: SUNY New Paltz Theatre Grads (2018), Prince George’s County for Bernie Sanders (2016), Greenbelters (2014–2015).
- YouTube: Hawkeswood Productions. See: youtube.com/user/HawkeswoodProChannel (Ongoing).
Blogs / Web Sites
- Life in a Minor Key (AnOtherVideoBlog.com)
- Costume-ConNections (www.Costume-Con.org)
Copy Editing / Proofreading / Other Writing Projects
Eileen Antonucci, Organizational Perspectives
- Copy Editing: Two documents: Built to Work and Built to Work: The Skill Scales Companion Guide for the National Skill Standards Board (NSSB). Grammar, typos, and content using a client-provided style guide (2000).
Jonathan Haskett, Ph.D.
- Proofreading / Editing: Paper abstract and associated tables: Effect of Climate and Atmospheric Change on Soybean Water Stress: A Study of Iowa; Authors: Haskett J.D.; Pachepsky Y.A.; Acock B. Source: Ecological Modelling, Volume 135, Number 2, 5 December 2000, pp. 265-277(13). Publisher: Elsevier Science (2000).
- Copy Editing: Scholarly document: Flexibility and adaptation in the Upper division undergraduate science classroom: Drawing from many sources to improve the lecture course (2000).
Amy Hosansky
- Copy Editing: Three chapters of medical text, book: Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Psychiatry by Michael H. Ebert, Peter T. Loosen, Barry Nurcombe. (Chapter 18: Substance-Related Disorders, Chapter 20: Other Psychotic Disorders, Chapter 24: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). Paperback: 640 pages, Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical; 1 edition (20 March 2000), ISBN: 0838514626 (1999).
- Proofreading: AEA Project: Billing reference: WKEX Desk Reference Proofs. Review document for consistency, typos, format errors (1999).
Hannah Shulevitz
- Copy Editing: Eleven-page document for Mobility Counseling Procedures, PCHA (1999).
- Editing / Proofreading: Four documents related to Public Housing programs: Supportive Housing: Altheia House (Birmingham, Alabama); Comprehensive Grant Program: Economic Initiative; Family Investment Center: HACLA; Times Square Jobs Training Corporation (New York City, NY) (1998).
Kathleen Barcos
- Copy Editing: Book: Gainsharing: Creating and Sharing Success by Carl G. Thor. (Crisp Management Library, 26), Paperback: 96 pages, Publisher: Crisp Learning (April 1999), ISBN: 1560525304. Ensured book maintained consistency with Crisp style sheet, other series volumes. Provided printed manuscript using Word tracking features (1998).
Technical Manuals
- Box Office Policies and Procedures: The Puppet Co. Playhouse (2014–2018).
- Production Manual: The Greenbelt Arts Center (2009–2014).
- Production Manual: OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Co. Inc. (2004–2012).
Procedural / Corporate Documents
- Costume-Con ConStitution: Costume-Con.org, (1987–2017).
- ICG Bylaws, Standing Rules, Guidelines for Competition: The International
Costumers’ Guild, Inc. (1995–2007). - Running a Model UN Delegation: School Without Walls (1981).
- Screenplay (Adaptation): The Puppeteer; Short film based on Hans Christian Andersen’s The Puppet-Show Man (2015).
- Screenplay (Original): Louder Than Words; Short film (2013).
- Screenplay (Original): Al and Ogden at the Sahara; Short film (2013).
- Script (Original): Busted; One-act play produced by OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company, Inc., (O2B2) for the Capital Fringe Festival, Washington, DC (2011).
- Script (Adaptation): Six Characters in Search of an Author; from the Robert Brustein treatment of Luigi Pirandello’s script (September/October 2005), OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company, Inc. (2006).
- Children’s book: The Bow and the Butterfly; illustrations/layout (1st printing December, 2016).
- Novel (working title): Sara’s Way; third draft revisions in progress, at 85,000 words.
- Short story: You Can’t Be Sirius; (under the name Betsy Marks Delaney) (Pending).
- Short story: And Now The News; (under the name Betsy Marks) with Anne G. DeMaio, published in Carmen Miranda’s Ghost is Haunting Space Station III, Baen Books (1990).
For recommendations/full profile, visit: www.linkedin.com/in/betsyrmarks